Climate Action in La Crosse

The City of La Crosse is committed to policies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accelerate the clean energy transition, and create a climate resilient community.  In January of 2023, the City Council adopted the La Crosse Climate Action Plan which charts a path towards a 50% reduction in our community’s GHG emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050.  We are proud that our city's commitment to ambitious climate action makes us a part of the historic and powerful response by the world’s cities to address the climate crisis.

The Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan is organized around nine community-wide focus areas to address GHG emissions reduction and climate vulnerability.  Each sector has over-arching Strategic Goals (or “Strategies”) established to meet 2030 goals and is organized for detailed implementation Actions.

Our Carbon Reduction Goal

This plan seeks to re-affirm the City’s commitment to reduce GHG emissions while aligning with the recommendations of climate scientists.  These commitments were accounted for in the formulation of appropriate carbon reduction goals for La Crosse: