The City of La Crosse’s climate planning consultant, paleBLUEdot, believes effective, meaningful, and community specific climate action planning is grounded in robust data collection and assessment of community existing conditions metrics to establish a community baseline. In support of establishing that baseline, paleBLUEdot has compiled a number of research documents.
Community Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Key among these assessments is the Community Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory. This report summarizes the greenhouse gas emissions inventory for both municipal operations and community-wide for the year 2020. This GHG Inventory calculates the total greenhouse gas emissions for the community at 667,101 Metric Tons for the year 2020.
These emissions are equal to approximately 14 metric tons per person - a volume of human made greenhouse gas atmosphere equal to over 287,000 cubic feet annually. The map to the right provides a comparison of this per capita volume to other communities in the region (communities with a green arrow have lower per capita emissions while communities with red arrows have higher emissions)